[July 31] Sour Cherry U-Pick has wrapped up for the 2023 year. As the crop flowered and matured very early this year, there will not be a U-Pick as part of this year's Bruno Cherry Sunday.
For orchard updates, including 2024 U-Pick dates, please follow www.Facebook.com/SaskTartCherries on Facebook.

2023 U-Pick Dates: July 19, 22, 23, 29, 30.
$20 for 4 litres. Bring your own pails, water bottle and sunscreen.
Orchard located behind and NE of St. Therese Institute of Faith and Mission, 650 Ursuline Ave., Bruno Saskatchewan .
More info, please contact Everyday Farms (www.EverydayFarms.ca). Get updates at: www.Facebook.com/SaskTartCherries.